Living Hope welcomes you to the harbor!

Sundays @ 10:30
A place to find protection from rough waters and to refuel for life's next adventure.

Onsite @ 24010 Harper Ave, St Clair Shores or online


Current Sermon Series

Pulse Reminder

In the Session's on going commitment to partner with you in the desire to pursue, become, and make well-rounded disciples, we are asking for you to help us take our congregation's pulse.  This is an inventory that will better equip the Session to celebrate the areas where we are strong and to help strengthen the areas that need more growth.

The Grow Team is asking that you would complete the survey by February 9.  The survey can be accessed at 

Midwinter Potluck

Come and join your church family for a midwinter Neighborhood Potluck at 6:30 p.m. on Friday February 7 hosted by the Connect Team.  A sign up sheet will be available at the welcome desk this Sunday.


Our aim is both fellowship for our members and a hope for some new faces at the table. We are asking everyone to bring a dish of their choice to pass and an item to contribute to The Vets Returning Home drive. The program will be a sharing by some of our members of their attempts - both fruitful and not so fruitful - at invitational evangelism and what has been most helpful in talking to others about God and our faith journeys.